Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The way that I get around is I use  a power wheelchair and  a walker. I like to use the walker. I like  to use my  power wheelchair.       

I struggle with eating.  It is difficult because my jaw and mouth get tired.  It takes me an hour to eat a meal.  My food has to be pureed, even hamburgers and steaks.  Everything looks like baby food.  It’s hard for me to swallow pills.  Very hard! I take 13 pills in the morning, some are new pills.  I take one at 11 and 3 a 1:00.  And more at night.  Almost 30 every day. That’s a lot of pills! I drink out of a straw.  If my mouth is dry, it’s harder for me to drink. It’s harder to get the suction for the straw. Have you ever had chocolate cake pureed? You should try it sometime. I like chocolate ice cream. Ice cream is easier, you don’t have to puree it. I’ve been standing for 40 minutes that I have been writing this.   


  1. "If my mouth is dry, it’s harder for me to drink. It’s harder to get the suction for the straw. " I can so relate! I must sleep with my mouth hanging wide open or something because I wake up soooo thirsty all night long. I sleep with a quart of water at my bedside and when I try to suck some up through the straw I make the most ridiculous noises trying to get suction with my dry lips! Lol!

  2. WOW we are so proud of you for standing 40 minutes while writing your blog!!! Love you Mom and Dad

  3. How old are you Amber? I'm not great with my computer, but, I went to your profile and I saw you had not yet created that. Thanks again for sharing with us your thoughts and for letting us into your world :)

  4. I like all food.... whole ...pureed... baked... deep fried...raw... diced.. chopped... but best of all I like it with butter no matter what it is :)
